Monday, November 3, 2008

Precious Moments

By this title, I’m not referring to the figurines, ornaments, collectibles, etc.  More like sweet times with Cora.  I blog more often about her humorous quirks, but tonight I want to share a precious little blessing.


No doubt God uses our children to teach us.  I learn things about our Heavenly Father all the time from my little daughter.  It’s not like she just says “Mommy, the Lord told me to tell you…blah, blah, blah.”  But it’s in more subtle ways that I hear Him working through her and in the way we respond to her.  This evening at bedtime, I read a book to Cora and then I read a brief story about Jesus from her picture Bible.  When I finished reading and we had talked about the picture some, Cora said “I want more Jesus, Mommy.  I want more Jesus.”  I believe God was pleased by her response.  She’s only two years old, doesn’t know much about Jesus at all other than we pray to Him, yet, she hears just a bit about him and immediately wants MORE of Him.  A little later when Geron came in for her bedtime prayers, he asked her if she wanted to learn a special prayer that Jesus taught us to pray.  She said “yes”, so Geron prayed the Lord’s prayer with her.  I was so touched.


I want to be like Cora.  To hear about Jesus and not be satisfied with just a little, but to want more and more of Him.  Thank you, God, for using my daughter to speak to me. 


Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”  Mark 10:14b and 15


Bird's Words said...

beautiful Lydia. God certainly has used Bryan to teach me so much too! and He is already using Ellie even though I've never ever met her! I want to be like Cora too...

Holdens said...

I want to be like Cora also..What a precious story..

ann said...

Precious, indeed.