Sunday, August 27, 2006
My Saviour My God
My God He was, My God He is, My God He's Always Gonna Be.............
There is no doubt in my mind that My God is GREATER today than He was yesterday and continues to become greater and greater as each day passes.
Thank you all for praying for us this week and especially for me. I am SO thankful for the life I've been given and the BEAUTIFUL baby girl that the Lord has delivered to me. I am overwhelmed by the love that has been outpoured to us from all over the country, and as I hear from even other countries.
We came home today and are doing well. Cora Sophia is a beautiful, sweet baby and I couldn't have imagined her being this incredible. Daddy Geron is exhausted as am I, but we are very very happy and have much to praise our Jesus for today.
Thank you all again for your love and prayers.
P.S. To see our beautiful baby girl's first "modeling" pic, go to
and use this code to view her picture: 017223
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
God Is Good
Apparently there was a major problem that no one knew about with Lydia. Thankfully we had a c-section, and the docs were able to diagnose it and begin treatment immediately. If Lydia had delivered naturally, The bleeding would have happened, but we would not have been able to catch it as soon as we did. They had to remove the right ovary and Fallopian tube, but the bleeding was finally stopped after several tense hours. She lost a lot of blood and had to take two units afterwards.
Lydia is doing pretty well tonight, She knows that God's hand has been on her today, and we have felt the prayers of our Christian family on our behalf. The medical staff is keeping a close watch on her tonight and we will know a lot more tomorrow.
Cora is BEAUTIFUL. The perfect combination of our features. She fed really good twice this evening, and is "Latching-On" like a champ. She's 7lbs 3oz, 20 in, pink, loud, and gorgeous!!!
Continue to pray for Lydia as she recuperates from her ordeal. I really felt a special peace that only Christ can give through all of this today. I felt like I had ran a marathon and won the gold medal only to be run over by a dump-truck as soon as I crossed the finish line. God is faithful and true when we are at our highest highs and at our lowest lows. I feel like I have been both places today.
now for the good stuff!!!

Happy Birthday Little CSB
"My Saviour Loves, My Saviour Lives, My Saviour's always there for me"
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
This afternoon we went to the hospital for my pre-testing. The ladies who helped us were WONDERFUL. God knew I needed peace and He used the right people to help me receive it. We saw the hospital's labor and delivery unit and the Mother and Baby unit. I was impressed and felt good knowing a little something about where I would be staying and how my baby would be taken care of. THe nurse also talked with me about the procedures for the surgery tomorrow and helped to give me a better understanding of what was going to happen. When we left the hospital, I was definitely feeling less aprehensive.
Later, I talked to my mom and she sounded really excited about her coming grandbaby. I'm really glad she and Daddy will be able to come down and visit with me before surgery and meet their beautiful baby granddaughter so soon.
After talking with mom, we finally got back home and I checked my email to find a note and prayer from my good friend, Holly. It seems that the Lord was telling Holly to encourage me about the same time that I was feeling so scared earlier today. Things she told me in the email were the exact things I felt Jesus was saying to me as I was sitting in the rocker. GOD IS IN CONTROL---that has been my stronghold today. He is in control and HE has a plan to give not only me, but to give our baby a hope and a future.
Tonight, Geron and I are going to hang out and go to a late night movie. Tomorrow, we're going to go to the hospital and have our lives changed forever.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Congratulations, Ann!!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
The Last Hurrah
When Babies are Sleeping...
Friday, August 18, 2006
a baby poll
Thursday, August 17, 2006
the last few things
after we had dinner and watched Big Brother:All Stars, our favorite summer show, we started reorganizing the kitchen cabinets. We had to find room to put the bottle sterilizer, bottle warmer, baby bottles, breast pump, pump accessories and so forth. We had to do some shuffling to get all the important stuff in the cabinets. By the way, Lydia is going to shoot me for this, but i had to at least try to figure out how that breast pump thing works. here are some pics of my amazing educational journey.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Pregnant Olympics
NOW ladies, I DO know that I"m nine months pregnant. I DO know that I shouldn't be climbing on things. I DO know that I shouldn't be running. AND I DO know that I certainly shouldn't be afraid of a rat. BUT I DID do those things and I AM afraid of rats and mice. They absolutely disgust me and I don't want to be anywhere close to them. If it makes any of you feel better, Baby Girl is just fine--moving around tons sense then, and I am fine, too. Although, tomorrow I might find that I pulled something, but I don't think so.
P.S. this is a side note having nothing to do with the afore mentioned incident. I was working with one of my new kindergarteners today and he is African American. I told him "My name is Mrs. Brown." He laughed and said "THAT'S FUNNY! You look like a white woman to me!"
an upbeat attitude?
Monday, August 14, 2006
still waiting
My New Purchase

Sunday, August 13, 2006
new project
check it out

by the way I can invite 2 other people to get a VOX blog. If you want one you should give me some reasons.
My New Book
Last week, after our appointment with the OB, Lydia wanted to run into the motherhood store to see if they had any specials. She is getting sick of wearing the same 5 outfits over and over. While she was in the
changing room I picked up a little book called "Father To Daughter". I started reading it, and figured if Lydia could buy a few dresses, I could at least get a $7 book. Each page has a couple of sentences about raising a little girl. I love this book and have read from it almost daily ever since I got it.
Here are a few of my favorites
"She may look adorable, but be forewarned - her diaper is going to be just as challenging as any boy's."
"Let her sleep on your ches when she's a baby. This is when the world begins to make sense."
"Be prepared to watch Walt Disney movies with her some 200 times. Each."
Friday, August 11, 2006
What not to wear
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
things that make you go boom
wayback wednesday
My oldest friend Travis, that I have been looking for, has finally found me. I've googled for him about a million times with no luck. When i was 4 or 5 my family moved to 704 Royal Street. It was a good neighborhood with lots of kids and dogs and stuff. Travis lived next door and was six months younger than me and we quickly became inseperable. We went to school together for the first couple of years until my folks took me out to go to private school. He was my best friend.

A funny thing I remember when we got a little older was Travis and his older brother Brian trying to teach me how to dance . I think we were listening to Kyper. I wasn't a very good student at dancing. One memory really sticks out. We went through a phase where we wanted to make our own cinnamon toothpicks. One day we decided to see what would happen if we put pure cinnamon oil on the family dog's tongue. Now I can't remember that dog's name, but i remember what happened next. Have you ever seen a little lhasa-apsa run in circles trying to wipe it's mouth out on the carpet? It's not something you soon forget.
39 i s the new 40
I will do my best to blog again before she comes and hopefully more after she comes. Forgive me if I seem like I'm slacking, but we're having a baby!
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
great video
these guys have way too much time
Sesame Street Pinball Song
My level went up to a 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been singing that song in my head since the ultrasound yesterday.
We had EVERYTHING done yesterday: ultrasound (baby is still breech and loving it) , another stress test to monitor baby's heartbeat (still a champ!), AND I even got checked to see if I had dilated any. yippee.<--I meant that sarcastically. Talk about making a first impression with someone. My doctor is on vacation this week, so I had to see someone else and I was NOT expecting "the works", BUT, at least I can say I am thankful for the good report yesterday. God is definitely working and taking care of baby and me.
P.S. Another thing we found out from the ultrasound is that she has a lot of hair allready. How crazy is that?! Of course, even though he wears his short, Geron and I both have tons of hair, so we shouldn't be surprised. I can't wait to see what this little girl is going to look like--hair color, eye color, skin tone, goatee, JUST KIDDING! I know she'll be beautiful, but will she be beautiful like me or like Geron?
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
As for fluid, today we go back for an ultrasound--yes, its definitely an ultrasound day today. So, I'll probably be drinking a little bit of caffeine on the ride over to wake her up and get her moving around. Fluid will be checked and baby's position will be checked. After this past week, I'm guessing that my fluid has probably gone up because I did really well with my water and keeping my feet propped up. (I'd lost a pound or two at the appointment on Friday--and I'm sure that was from my ankles!!) I even think our big six pounder has started to turn, possibly because I felt a kick in the middle of my tummy last night as opposed to the left side where she has LOVED practicing her soccer moves. So, today will bring good news, I hope.
Thank you all for your prayers this week. I have felt so good about what is going on, even if we have to go early. THe Lord has given me that peace that passes understanding and I know that things will be allright because He is in control of the situation. You would probably not believe it, but I've heard so much about c-sections this past week, that I'd almost RATHER have her that way. Well, good reports and the fact that I saw an episode of A BABY STORY where the little girl came out with a cone head!!! AND we remember seeing our little friend, Jake, after we was born by c-section---he was absolutely BEAUTIFUL--probably the most beautiful newborn WE'VE ever seen. Whatever the scenario, we know we're getting a wonderful little girl who will definitely be beautiful in our eyes!