so it's been a crazy couple of weeks ...Cora is adjusting to life with her hip brace. and sleeping through the night almost every night.(last night being the most recent exception). She is staying awake longer and is being entertained by simple things like mirrors.
we have discovered that she may be a genius which probably is going to cause doubt in most peoples mind about her paternity and possibly even her maternity. Just kidding. Yesterday something really cool happened.
she is starting to really focus on people and look at their faces. And I heard that she smiles real big but hadn't seen for myself until yesterday. I was holding her on my lap and we were spending some time looking at each other. At one point she was looking around and I said her name loudly and she immediately looked right at me as if to say, "what?" this kind of surprised me and encouraged to believe that she may not be taking after her mother in some ways. :) As I held her I starting making motorboat or raspberry noises with my mouth as Cora intensely listened and watched me. In about 10 seconds she started making the noises too!!! She had never done that before, and I hollered for Lydia to watch her as Cora continued to sputter away. It was awesome!!!
It's true that imitation is the highest form of flattery. It made my day.
This one of my favorite pictures my brother took in nashville last week.

When we get down there, I want to order copies of all these pictures, and maybe even an 8x10 of the black and white of the three of you. Don't let me forget. Love you--you are turning into one terrific father!
WOWZA! I'm glad she's getting used to her brace. How is Mommy getting used to being away from her all day? How is Daddy getting used to being a daddy?
That may be the cutest picture I've ever seen.
Those pictures are just lovely. I so wish I had some like that of my boys instead of the Wal-Mart 'portraits'. You can see the love in these pics-pretty amazing!
sigh.... sleeping through the night already? count your blessings.
and i mean that :)
beautiful, beautiful pictures, by the way.
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