I found this site, allofmp3.com apparently they are based out of Russia. Since I'm so over the cold war, I figured I'd give them a shot. I mean, what's the worse that could happen? I guess they could steal my identity and fill my Visa with charges from Russian prostitutes. But I gave these russkies a chance anyway and was very pleased with the results. You actually have a choice as to what file format you want to download your files in and at which bit rate. Important if your an audiophile like me. You actually pay for the bandwidth to download, so I loaded my new account with $10(that's about 286 rubles if your curious) and downloaded a complete recording of Handel's Messiah(over two hours in length). I figured the record police wouldn't get me to bad if I was doing something actually illegal.
I thought I might sing along with my new recording. Yes, I know I'm a cornball. So I pulled out my trusty old messiah score that I had purchased used from the old Foster Music front office. When I looked at it I saw that the previous owner's name had been scratched out, upon closer inspection, I realized that it had once belonged to some chick named Stephanie. I thought that was funny

Hahahaha... that's awesome!
That's purty.
That's the end?! I need more resolution than that "deceptive cadence" of a post. How did your singing along go? What happened to the russkie's? Where's the car chase scene?!
Oh well, maybe it's just me.
PS- Thanks for the crack on your previous post. I feel the love.
Ahhhh! What? When did I sell my Messiah copy back?? I honestly had been wondering where that was. Seriously! Well, if someone had to end up with it, I am glad it was you. But if you ever want to sell it...
Awww, that really makes me sad.
Oh, and you are not completely corny. Well, if you are then I am, which not be very much assurance. I still have photocopies of some of our old vocal jazz music and I have totally sat down before and sang through them.
Dorks. ;)
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