hai·ku def: A Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables,traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.
Heater sent me this
I guess I'll participate
Don't quite get tagging
I do this with serious reservations, but I value my relationships. Next thing you know I'll have a mood indicator and a froogle wishlist on the blog.
heater Tagged Me
10 years ago: 10 yrs ago, I was convincing my parents I needed a semester off before I began college, and it wasn't really necessary to get a job, because I was trying tio find myself.
5 years ago: 5 yrs ago I was just getting adjusted to sharing a bed, marriage, and had just began working at FBC Richmond
yesterday: I went to work and installed a projection screen in the sanctuary, and somehow managed to injure my back and right knee, so todaI'm'm hobbling around like an old man
5 snack I enjoy: Cottage Cheese. Pepperjack, PopTarts, Peanut Butter M&M's, Reece's Cups
5 song I know all the words to: "the Chicken Dance", "Happy Birthday", "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing", "Great is Thy Faithfullness", and "Church" by Lyle
5 things i would do with 100 million dollars: buy a descent vehicle, get a tummy tuck, invest in jello, buy new underear, buy things from my wishlist
5 place I would run away to: a cave, the beach, Krystal, Starbucks, the Library
5 thing I would never wear: a thong, fishnet shirt, anything with St Louis Cardinals on it, a pinky ring, daisy dukes
5 tv shows that I love: Lost, Survivor, Big Brother, Alias, and Lingo
5 bad habits: picking my nose in traffic, wiping it in obscure places, sticking my hands in obscure places, finding things that were previously left, crack
5 biggest joys: My God, My Wife, My Family, My Job, My Computer
5 favorite toys: Camera, Mp3 Player, TiVo, Xbox, rubber Chicken that ejects an egg from rectum when squeezed
4 people I'm tagging: Saddam, Kim-Jong, Osama, Pat Robertson
yay!! you did it! but you're supposed to tag others that have blogs.
not that those people don't, but, oh, you know what i mean! :)
love the answers, especially "crack"
I'm really thankful you don't wear thongs or fishnet clothing or daisy dukes. That's so gay.
I would hope that you would spend a little bit of that 100 mil on a new house and TWO decent vehicles, and a dog would be nice, too.
As for your wish list, I'll buy you everything on it if we don't allready have it in the medicine cabinet!
Ten years ago, you
5 years ago, you and me
Next year, family????
is anonymous asking permission, or telling us something????
anonymous better be my wife
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