Monday, March 27, 2006
happy monday
So I guess it's a good day. I just ate a wonderful product called honey-nut chex. It rocked my mouth like no breakfast cereal has done in a long time. Later today I'm going to go pick up a free cake that Lydia won last weekend. Sweet!! And later tonight some of the IM boys are coming to town and we're going to see mutemath. A few years ago some of the guys from mutemath were in a band called earthsuit, which we had at FBC in richmond. During a break the frontman grabbed a choir robe from backstage and rocked it during the second half. it cracked me up. Hopefully it will be good show. Mutemath has been in the news a bit lately for suing their record company and withholding their new album from the label. Apparently they don't want to be marketed as a christian band by the label because of the limitations they feel that puts on them. so they won't give the new album to the label, but they sell it at their shows. I hope it will be a good show.
Can you say "keytar"

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YESSSSS!!!!! Geron's BACK!!!
Bryan will be jealous that he doesn't get to see them in concert! he loves that band!
Have a good time. I hope they find a choir robe somewhere. That was too funny.
By the way, I will have to try the cereal. Cheerios are starting to get old!
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