Saturday, June 17, 2006

God knows what we can and can't handle

I think a miracle may have happened today. I posted about the air conditioner being broken. I was prepared to have to go to my in-laws or something for the rest of the weekend until we leave for Kentucky MOnday. I called our neighbor and finally got through around 9:00. She said she'd call someone to come fix it. I said "Please have him call before he comes because we are going out of town Monday and won't be back until late Tuesday afternoon. " She said, "Oh no, if I call, he'll come today." About 9:40 she called me back and said "He'll be there in 5 minutes." Thank you, Lord!!! I called Geron right away and told him to come home so he'd be here when the air conditioner man got here. It was fixed in NO time!

Last year, about this time, some church friends of ours had their airconditioning go out. I think it took them about two weeks to finally get it fixed. They stayed in a hotel for about a week and a half, if I'm remembering correctly. I think the Good Lord knows that I could not have handled that and saw to it that it was fixed right away. I can get ugly about things when I'm not pregnant, but seeing that I am and heat is one of the worst things to me right now, I'm pretty sure God sent that guy right over. And He also knew we're really looking forward to seeing Ben and Bekah this evening--they're staying the night-YEA! So, God is good--all the time and all the time--God is Good.


Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

Yes, Lord, thank you. Hallelujah and amen!

And no, I'm not being sarcastic. I'm being serious. I remember being pregnant in the summer time, and it is miserable even when the a/c does work!

Tooz said...

Sippy Jo, I'm glad you got that air conditioning fixed! Love you.

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

Be watching your mail when you get back, Lydia. I'm sending you some presents for baby girl!

HA! The word verification is so funny this time! It's "btniqsky". Sounds like what we used to call people who stick their noses in where they don't belong. That's funny!

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

Okay, Lydia, you guys can post to the blog even when you're out of town.....

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

Alright, you asked for it. I'm going to either start singing or leaving really corny knock knock jokes on your blog........