Apparently there was a major problem that no one knew about with Lydia. Thankfully we had a c-section, and the docs were able to diagnose it and begin treatment immediately. If Lydia had delivered naturally, The bleeding would have happened, but we would not have been able to catch it as soon as we did. They had to remove the right ovary and Fallopian tube, but the bleeding was finally stopped after several tense hours. She lost a lot of blood and had to take two units afterwards.
Lydia is doing pretty well tonight, She knows that God's hand has been on her today, and we have felt the prayers of our Christian family on our behalf. The medical staff is keeping a close watch on her tonight and we will know a lot more tomorrow.
Cora is BEAUTIFUL. The perfect combination of our features. She fed really good twice this evening, and is "Latching-On" like a champ. She's 7lbs 3oz, 20 in, pink, loud, and gorgeous!!!
Continue to pray for Lydia as she recuperates from her ordeal. I really felt a special peace that only Christ can give through all of this today. I felt like I had ran a marathon and won the gold medal only to be run over by a dump-truck as soon as I crossed the finish line. God is faithful and true when we are at our highest highs and at our lowest lows. I feel like I have been both places today.
now for the good stuff!!!

I have prayed for all of you all night. I trust that God has you all in His righteous right hand. I love you.
God Is indeed Good! What a tumultuous day you guys had. I am so proud of you, your faith, and your perseverence! May God continue to richly bless you and your baby.
What a BEAUTIFUL baby! I look forward to meeting her! We love you guys!
Love you all bunches! While reading this post, something else struck me. Remember how Lydia was upset at first at the idea of having a C-section, and was hoping Cora would turn so she wouldn't have to have surgery? Bless you Jesus for making that baby breech! God was watching over Lydia and Cora that whole time, and knew in His infinite wisdom it would be best for Cora to come to you by C-section. Praise God! You are all in my prayers, and I'm looking forward to getting to meet little Miss Cora, and I'll continue to pray that you all have strength and peace as Lydia recovers, Cora blossoms and Geron and Lydia both learn how to be parents. Bless you Geron for being so loving, patient and funny during this whole roller-coaster ride called life. Bless you Lydia for trusting in God to know what's best for you! Love you all!
I am so glad that Cora and Lydia are doing well, that everything that needed to be caught was caught, and that everything ended with healthy mommy and healthy baby.
For everything else--what Jenn said.
Looks like she has her mommy's mouth and her daddy's eyes. She's beautiful. I can't wait to hold her! (You will let me hold her, right?) I love her so much! (And y'all, too.)
She is beautiful! I'm so happy for you guys... tears were welling up in my eyes while reading this post. I was reading it out loud to Erin, and I had to stop a couple times because it choked me up.
God is not only good, but He is AWESOME!
I wish I knew scripture better, but I believe it's in one of the psalms (139?) that says something like: "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
Lydia, you ought to claim that verse Scott quoted for your life verse. God knew exactly what He was doing. Love you both.
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