Sunday, August 27, 2006

My Saviour My God

My Saviour Loves, My Saviour Lives, My Saviour's Always there for me
My God He was, My God He is, My God He's Always Gonna Be.............

There is no doubt in my mind that My God is GREATER today than He was yesterday and continues to become greater and greater as each day passes.

Thank you all for praying for us this week and especially for me. I am SO thankful for the life I've been given and the BEAUTIFUL baby girl that the Lord has delivered to me. I am overwhelmed by the love that has been outpoured to us from all over the country, and as I hear from even other countries.

We came home today and are doing well. Cora Sophia is a beautiful, sweet baby and I couldn't have imagined her being this incredible. Daddy Geron is exhausted as am I, but we are very very happy and have much to praise our Jesus for today.

Thank you all again for your love and prayers.

P.S. To see our beautiful baby girl's first "modeling" pic, go to

and use this code to view her picture: 017223


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful testimony of God's grace and majesty! I am so thrilled that He has blessed you with the life of Cora and with the restoration of your own life! I promise to continue to pray for all of you. Love you so much

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

So HAPPY to hear you're all doing fine. God is good!

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

I just wanted to let you know I'm sending much love and prayers your way. I haven't called on the phone because I figured you and Cora would be sleeping. I know after Jamie was born, every time he slept, I made it a point to sleep!